Simultaneous Search for Two Higgs Bosons of Minimal Supersymmetry at the LHC
Salavat Abdullin, Howard Baer, Chung Kao, Nikita Stepanov, Xerxes Tata
Published 1996-03-28Version 1
The prospects of detecting the CP-odd Higgs pseudoscalar ($A$) in the minimal supersymmetric model via its decay into a $Z$ boson and the lighter CP-even Higgs scalar ($h$) at the CERN Large Hadron Collider are investigated. The final state of $Z \to l^+l^-$ and $h \to b\bar{b}$, may provide a promising way to simultaneously detect the $A$ and the $h$. The compact muon solenoid detector performance is adopted for a realistic study of observability. In this discovery channel, the masses of the $h$ and the $A$ can be reconstructed. The impact of supersymmetric decay modes is considered.
Comments: 17 pages, REVTEX, 6 figures
Journal: Phys.Rev.D54:6728-6734,1996
Categories: hep-ph
Keywords: higgs bosons, minimal supersymmetry, simultaneous search, compact muon solenoid detector performance, lighter cp-even higgs scalar
Tags: journal article
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