Effective Lagrangian for Heavy and Light Mesons: Semileptonic Decays
R. Casalbuoni, A. Deandrea, N. Di Bartolomeo F. Feruglio, R. Gatto, G. Nardulli
Published 1992-11-16, updated 1992-11-17Version 2
We introduce an effective lagrangian including negative and positive parity heavy mesons containing a heavy quark, light pseudoscalars, and light vector resonances, with their allowed interactions, using heavy quark spin-flavour symmetry, chiral symmetry, and the hidden symmetry approach for light vector resonances. On the basis of such a lagrangian, by considering the allowed weak currents and by including the contributions from the nearest unitarity poles we calculate the form factors for semileptonic decays of $B$ and $D$ mesons into light pseudoscalars and light vector resonances. The available data, together with some additional assumptions, allow for a set of predictions in the different semileptonic channels, which can be compared with those following {}from different approaches. A discussion of non-dominant terms in our approach, which attempts at including a rather complete dynamics, will however have to wait till more abundant data become available.