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Effective Lagrangian for $\bar q\tilde q'_iχ^+_j$, $\bar q\tilde q'_iχ^0_j$ interactions and Fermionic Decays of the Squarks with CP Phases

Tarek Ibrahim, Pran Nath

Published 2004-11-20Version 1

The one loop corrected effective Lagrangian for the quark-squark-chargino and quark-squark-neutralino interactions is computed. The effective Lagrangian takes into account the loop corrections arising from the exchange of the gluinos, charginos, neutralinos, W, Z, the charged Higgs, and the neutral Higgs. We further analyze the squark decays into charginos and neutralinos and discuss the effect of the loop corrections on them. The analysis takes into account CP phases in the soft parameters. It is found that the loop corrections to the stop decay widths into chargino and neutralinos can be as much as thirty percent or even larger. Further, the stop decay widths show a strong dependence on the CP phases. These results are of relevance in the precision predictions of squark decays in the context of specific models of soft breaking in supergravity and string based models.

Comments: 36 pages latex, 10 figures
Journal: Phys.Rev. D71 (2005) 055007
Categories: hep-ph
Subjects: 12.60.Jv, 14.80.Ly
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