Moments of nuclear and nucleon structure functions at low Q^2 and the momentum sum rule
I. Niculescu, J. Arrington, R. Ent, C. E. Keppel
Published 2005-09-22, updated 2005-10-06Version 2
New nuclear structure function data from Jefferson Lab covering the higher x and lower Q^2 regime make it possible to extract the higher order F_2 moments for iron and deuterium at low four-momentum transfer squared Q^2. These moments allow for an experimental investigation of the nuclear momentum sum rule and a direct comparison of the non-singlet nucleon moment with Lattice QCD results.
Comments: 5 pages, 3 figures, to be submitted to Physical Review C
Journal: Phys.Rev.C73:045206,2006
Keywords: nucleon structure functions, nuclear momentum sum rule, nuclear structure function data, non-singlet nucleon moment, lattice qcd results
Tags: journal article
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