Nucleon Structure Functions in the Three Flavor NJL Soliton Model
O. Schroeder, H. Reinhardt, H. Weigel
Published 1999-02-11Version 1
We study the relevance of strange degrees of freedom for nucleon structure functions. For this purpose we employ the three flavor generalization of the collective quantization approach to the chiral soliton of the bosonized Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. Contrary to many other soliton models the hadronic tensor is tractable in this model. By applying the Bjorken limit to the hadronic tensor we extract the leading twist contributions to the nucleon structure functions at the low energy scale at which the model is assumed to approximate QCD. After transforming to the infinite momentum frame and performing the DGLAP evolution program to these structure functions we compare with available data for deep inelastic electron-nucleon scattering.