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Hadronization and Quark Probes of Deconfinement at RHIC

Huan Z. Huang, Johann Rafelski

Published 2005-01-20Version 1

We discuss experimental features of identified particle production from nucleus-nucleus collisions. These features reflect hadronization from a deconfined partonic matter whose particle formation scheme is distinctly different from fragmentation phenomenology in elementary collisions. Multi-parton dynamics, such as quark coalescences or recombinations, appear to be essential to explain the experimental measurements at the intermediate transverse momentum of 2--5 GeV/c. Constituent quarks seem to be the dominant degrees of freedom at hadronization. Heavy quark production should help quantify deconfined matter properties.

Comments: 18 pages, This report constitutes the combined contribution of the authors to the "VI Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum" conference, held 21--25 September 2004 in Sardinia, Italy covering their oral presentations and the `Deconfinement' discussion session; proceedings to be published by the American Institute of Physics
Categories: hep-ph, nucl-ex, nucl-th
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