B-> phi K^(*) CPV/Polarization, and Collider Implications
Published 2004-12-08Version 1
The hint for BSM CP violation in B-> phi K_S is now more confused, but the phi K^* polarization anomaly seems real. We present a picture based on a flavor-mixed, right-handed "strange-beauty" squark \widetilde{sb}_{1R}, driven light by the large \tilde s_R-\tilde b_R squark flavor mixing, which carries a unique new CP phase. The \widetilde{sb}_{1R} could impact on S_{phi K_S} (or alternatively S_{eta^\prime K_S}), B_s mixing, \sin2Phi_{B_s}, S_{K_S\pi^0\gamma} and other b-> s transitions, and can be searched for directly at the Tevatron. Whether SM or BSM, a heuristic model is given where transverse phi K^* polarization descends from the gluon helicity of on-shell b-> sg.
Comments: 4 pages, 4 figures. Presented at 32nd International Conference on High-Energy Physics (ICHEP 04), Beijing, China, 16-22 Aug 2004
Categories: hep-ph
Tags: conference paper
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