arXiv:0801.1534 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Unparticle Self-Interactions and Their Collider Implications
Jonathan L. Feng, Arvind Rajaraman, Huitzu Tu
Published 2008-01-10, updated 2008-03-16Version 2
In unparticle physics, operators of the conformal sector have self-interactions, and these are unsuppressed for strong coupling. The 3-point interactions are completely determined by conformal symmetry, up to a constant. We do not know of any theoretical upper bounds on this constant. Imposing current experimental constraints, we find that these interactions mediate spectacular collider signals, such as $pp -> U -> UU -> \gamma \gamma \gamma \gamma$, $\gamma \gamma ZZ$, $ZZZZ$, $\gamma \gamma l^+ l^-$, $ZZ l^+ l^-$, and $4l$, with cross sections of picobarns or larger at the Large Hadron Collider. Self-interactions may therefore provide the leading discovery prospects for unparticle physics.