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Lattice QCD at the end of 2003

Thomas DeGrand

Published 2003-12-17Version 1

I review recent developments in lattice QCD. I first give an overview of its formalism, and then discuss lattice discretizations of fermions. We then turn to a description of the quenched approximation and why it is disappearing as a vehicle for QCD phenomenology. I describe recent claims for progress in simulations which include dynamical fermions and the interesting theoretical problems they raise. I conclude with brief descriptions of the calculations of matrix elements in heavy flavor systems and for kaons.

Comments: Review for Int J Mod Phys A. 58 pages, latex, WSPC macros,, 22 postscript figures
Journal: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A19 (2004) 1337-1394
Categories: hep-ph, hep-lat
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