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B-\bar{B} Mixing and b Hadron Lifetimes from Lattice QCD

Jonathan Flynn, C. -J. David Lin

Published 2000-12-13Version 1

We discuss neutral B_{s,d} meson mixing and b-hadron lifetimes from the perspective of recent lattice calculations. In particular, we consider matrix elements which can be combined with measured \Delta M_{s,d} to constrain |V_{td}|, the lifetime ratios \tau(\Lambda_b)/\tau(B_d) and \tau(B^-)/\tau(B_d) and the lifetime difference, \Delta\Gamma_s/\Gamma_s, in the neutral B_s meson system.

Comments: 12 pages, 3 figures. Contribution to the UK Phenomenology Workshop on Heavy Flavours and CP Violation, 17th - 22nd September 2000, Durham, England
Journal: J.Phys.G27:1245-1254,2001
Categories: hep-ph, hep-ex, hep-lat
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