Top Squarks and Bottom Squarks in the MSSM with Complex Parameters
A. Bartl, S. Hesselbach, K. Hidaka, T. Kernreiter, W. Porod
Published 2003-11-26, updated 2004-06-23Version 2
We present a phenomenological study of top squarks (~t_1,2) and bottom squarks (~b_1,2) in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) with complex parameters A_t, A_b, \mu and M_1. In particular we focus on the CP phase dependence of the branching ratios of (~t_1,2) and (~b_1,2) decays. We give the formulae of the two-body decay widths and present numerical results. We find that the effect of the phases on the (~t_1,2) and (~b_1,2) decays can be quite significant in a large region of the MSSM parameter space. This could have important implications for (~t_1,2) and (~b_1,2) searches and the MSSM parameter determination in future collider experiments. We have also estimated the accuracy expected in the determination of the parameters of ~t_i and ~b_i by a global fit of the measured masses, decay branching ratios and production cross sections at e^+ e^- linear colliders with polarized beams. Analysing two scenarios, we find that the fundamental parameters apart from A_t and A_b can be determined with errors of 1% to 2%, assuming an integrated luminosity of 1 ab^-1 and a sufficiently large c.m.s. energy to produce also the heavier ~t_2 and ~b_2 states. The parameter A_t can be determined with an error of 2 - 3%, whereas the error on A_b is likely to be of the order of 50%.