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Tau-Sleptons and Tau-Sneutrino in the MSSM with Complex Parameters

A. Bartl, K. Hidaka, T. Kernreiter, W. Porod

Published 2002-07-15, updated 2003-01-06Version 2

We present a phenomenological study of tau-sleptons stau_1,2 and tau-sneutrino in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with complex parameters A_tau, mu and M_1. We analyse production and decays of stau_1,2 and tau-sneutrino at a future e^+ e^- collider. We present numerical predictions for the important decay rates, paying particular attention to their dependence on the complex parameters. The branching ratios of the fermionic decays of stau_1 and tau-sneutrino show a significant phase dependence for tan(beta) < 10. For tan(beta) > 10 the branching ratios for the stau_2 decays into Higgs bosons depend very sensitively on the phases. We show how information on the phase phi(A_tau) and the other fundamental stau parameters can be obtained from measurements of the stau masses, polarized cross sections and bosonic and fermionic decay branching ratios, for small and large tan(beta) values. We estimate the expected errors for these parameters. Given favorable conditions, the error of A_tau is about 10% to 20%, while the errors of the remaining stau parameters are in the range of approximately 1% to 3%. We also show that the induced electric dipole moment of the tau-lepton is well below the current experimental limit.

Comments: LaTex, 25 pages, 11 figures (included); v2: extended discussion on error determination, version to appear in Phys.Rev.D
Journal: Phys.Rev.D66:115009,2002
Categories: hep-ph, hep-ex
Subjects: 12.60.Jv, 14.80.Ly
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