Application of K Factors in the H-> ZZ*->4l Analysis at the LHC
K. Cranmer, B. Mellado, W. Quayle, Sau Lan Wu
Published 2003-07-18Version 1
Higher order corrections to the Higgs and the non-resonant ZZ production at the LHC are evaluated within the context of the H->4l analysis for Higgs masses 120<MH<180 gev. The impact of experimental cuts on the Next-to-Leading Order K factors for Higgs and non-resonant ZZ production is small. The discovery potential of the H->4l modes is re-evaluated. With the application of conservative higher order corrections the amount of luminosity needed to achieve a 5 sigma signal significance with the H-> 4l modes drops by 30-35%, depending on the Higgs mass.
Categories: hep-ph
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