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The $\msbar$ Renormalized Bottom Mass of Order ${\cal O}(α_s G_F M_t^2)$ and its Application to $Γ(H\to b\bar{b})$

Axel Kwiatkowski, Matthias Steinhauser

Published 1995-10-31Version 1

The renormalized mass of the bottom quark is calculated at the two loop level to order ${\cal O}(\alpha_s G_F M_t^2)$ in the $\msbar$ renormalization scheme. Different strategies for the computation are outlined. The result is applied to the partial decay rate $\Gamma(H\rightarrow b\bar{b})$ of the Higgs boson into bottom quarks. Expressing the width in terms of the running mass instead of the bottom pole mass allows to treat the ${\cal O}(\alpha_s G_F M_t^2)$ radiative corrections on the same footing as is commonly used in pure QCD calculations. The numerical values for the corrections are given and the sizes of different contributions are compared.

Comments: 16 pages, LATEX, uses epsfig.sty, 15 figures included as uuencoded, gzipped, tarred postscript files. The complete postscript file, including figures, is available via anonymous ftp at ( or via www at (TTP95-35) and at
Categories: hep-ph
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