CKM Matrix: Status and New Developments
A. Höcker, H. Lacker, S. Laplace, F. Le Diberder
Published 2001-12-21Version 1
An analysis of the CKM matrix parameters within the {\it R}fit approach is presented using updated input values with special emphasis on the recent $\sin{2\beta}$ measurements from BABAR and Belle. The QCD Factorisation Approach describing $B \to \pi\pi,K\pi$ decays has been implemented in the software package CKMfitter. Fits using branching ratios and CP asymmetries are discussed.
Comments: 5 pages, 6 postscript figures, contribution to the proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Heavy Flavour Physics, September 2001, Pasadena, USA
Journal: AIPConf.Proc.618:27-31,2002
DOI: 10.1063/1.1478818
Categories: hep-ph
Keywords: developments, ckm matrix parameters, software package ckmfitter, updated input values, cp asymmetries
Tags: journal article
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