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Collider Implications of Kaluza-Klein Excitations of the Gluons

D. A. Dicus, C. D. McMullen, S. Nandi

Published 2000-12-19, updated 2001-12-06Version 3

We consider an asymmetric string compactification scenario in which the SM gauge bosons can propagate into one TeV$^{-1}$-size extra compact dimension. These gauge bosons have associated KK excitations that present additional contributions to the SM processes. We calculate the effects that the KK excitations of the gluons, $g^{\star}$'s, have on multijet final state production in proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider energy. In the case of dijet final states with very high $p_{{}_T}$, the KK signal due to the exchanges of the $g^{\star}$'s is several factors greater than the SM background for compactification scales as high as about 7 TeV. The high-$p_{{}_T}$ effect is not as dramatic for the direct production of a single on-shell $g^{\star}$, which subsequently decays into $q$-$\bar{q}$ pairs, where the KK signal significantly exceeds the SM three-jet background for compactification scales up to about 3 TeV. We also present our results for the four-jet final state signal from the direct production of two on-shell $g^{\star}$'s.

Comments: 33 pages, LaTeX; added Figure 6 showing the dijet mass distribution and corresponding discussion in a paragraph on page 11; some additionaal discussions added; typos corrected; few references added
Journal: Phys.Rev. D65 (2002) 076007
Categories: hep-ph
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