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Application of Discrete Light-Cone Quantization to Yukawa Theory in Four Dimensions

J. R. Hiller

Published 2000-10-06Version 1

The numerical technique of discrete light-cone quantization (DLCQ) is applied to a single-fermion truncation of Yukawa theory in four dimensions. The truncated theory is regulated by three Pauli-Villars bosons, which are introduced directly in the DLCQ Fock-state basis. A special form of the Lanczos diagonalization algorithm is used to handle the indefinite metric. Renormalization is done nonperturbatively.

Comments: 3 pages; LaTeX, ijmpal; to appear in the proceedings of DPF2000, Columbus, Ohio, August 9-12, 2000
Journal: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A16S1C (2001) 1213-1215
Categories: hep-ph
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