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Effects of magnetic field applied on leads

M. Yamamoto, T. Ohtsuki, K. Slevin

Published 2002-11-11Version 1

The two terminal conductance for two dimensional systems is calculated in the presence of the spin-orbit scattering. The level statistics of the transmission eigenvalue is shown to be sensitive to the asymmetry of the spin population in the lead. The nearest neighbor spacing is GUE instead of GSE when sufficiently large Zeeman splitting is assumed in one of the lead.

Comments: accepted in Proceedings of Localisation 2002 Conference, Tokyo, Japan (to be published as supplement of J. Phys. Soc. Japan)
Journal: J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. vol. 72 (2003) Suppl. A pp.155-156
Categories: cond-mat.mes-hall
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