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arXiv:1408.2718 [cond-mat.mes-hall]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Exciton Quasi-Condensation in One Dimensional Systems

Yochai Werman, Erez Berg

Published 2014-08-12Version 1

A quasi-exciton condensate is a phase characterized by quasi-long range order of an exciton (electron-hole pair) order parameter. Such a phase can arise naturally in a system of two parallel oppositely doped quantum wires, coupled by repulsive Coulomb interactions. We show that the quasi-exciton condensate phase can be stabilized in an extended range of parameters, in both spinless and spinful systems. For spinful electrons, the exciton phase is shown to be distinct from the usual quasi-long range ordered Wigner crystal phase characterized by power-law density wave correlations. The two phases can be clearly distinguished through their inter-wire tunneling current-voltage characteristics. In the quasi-exciton condensate phase the tunneling conductivity diverges at low temperatures and voltages, whereas in the Wigner crystal it is strongly suppressed. Both phases are characterized by a divergent Coulomb drag at low temperature. Finally, metallic carbon nanotubes are considered as a special case of such a one dimensional setup, and it is shown that exciton condensation is favorable due to the additional valley degree of freedom.

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