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Angular momentum redistribution by waves in the Sun

Pawan Kumar, Suzanne Talon, Jean-Paul Zahn

Published 1999-02-22Version 1

We calculate the angular momentum transport by gravito-inertial-Alfv\'en waves and show that, so long as prograde and retrograde gravity waves are excited to roughly the same amplitude, the sign of angular momentum deposit in the radiative interior of the Sun is such as to lead to an exponential growth of any existing small radial gradient of rotation velocity just below the convection zone. This leads to formation of a strong thin shear layer (of thickness about 0.3% R_\odot) near the top of the radiative zone of the Sun on a time-scale of order 20 years. When the magnitude of differential rotation across this layer reaches about 0.1 \mu Hz, the layer becomes unstable to shear instability and undergoes mixing, and the excess angular momentum deposited in the layer is returned to the convection zone. The strong shear in this layer generates toroidal magnetic field which is also deposited in the convection zone when the layer becomes unstable. This could possibly start a new magnetic activity cycle seen at the surface.

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