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ROSAT observations of A0538--66 during quiescence

Sergio Campana

Published 1996-10-29Version 1

We discuss serendipitous ROSAT observations of the Be transient A0538-66, which contains the fastest known accreting X-ray pulsar (69 ms). We show that this transient is detected several times during quiescence at a level of about 10^34-35 erg/s. Considering this low luminosity it is more likely that X-rays are produced by matter falling onto the neutron star magnetosphere, rather than onto the star surface. This could be the first example of an X-ray source in the "propeller regime".

Comments: 5 pages + 1 figure, LaTex, Springer-Verlag's A&A macro package + s_tables macro (included). Accepted for publication in A&A Main Journal
Categories: astro-ph
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