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V4332 Sgr in 'Quiescence'

S. Kimeswenger

Published 2005-09-28Version 1

In 1994 V4332 Sgr underwent a mysterious eruption. Somehow its fast evolution towards a red giant star was, lacking alternative classifications, connected to the red variable M31 RV, which had its eruption in 1988. The red eruptive variable V838~Mon draw in February 2002 the attention back to its 'older twin' V4332~Sgr. The new precise photometry of the progenitor given here shows that the object started to rise years before the 1994 event. Post outburst photometry and spectroscopy from 2002 and 2003 show that the object stopped it's decline and seem to reheat now. The progenitor data and the new high quality spectra provide a supplement and completion to the data around the outburst given by Martini et al. (1999). It thus allows theorists to give new boundaries for modelling of this unusual object.

Comments: 7 pages, 8 figures, submitted to AN
Categories: astro-ph
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