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Gamma-ray emission expected from Kepler's SNR

E. G. Berezhko, L. T. Ksenofontov, H. J. Voelk

Published 2006-02-03, updated 2006-03-31Version 2

Nonlinear kinetic theory of cosmic ray (CR) acceleration in supernova remnants (SNRs) is used to investigate the properties of Kepler's SNR and, in particular, to predict the gamma-ray spectrum expected from this SNR. Observations of the nonthermal radio and X-ray emission spectra as well as theoretical constraints for the total supernova (SN) explosion energy E_sn are used to constrain the astronomical and particle acceleration parameters of the system. Under the assumption that Kepler's SN is a type Ia SN we determine for any given explosion energy E_sn and source distance d the mass density of the ambient interstellar medium (ISM) from a fit to the observed SNR size and expansion speed. This makes it possible to make predictions for the expected gamma-ray flux. Exploring the expected distance range we find that for a typical explosion energy E_sn=10^51 erg the expected energy flux of TeV gamma-rays varies from 2x10^{-11} to 10^{-13} erg/(cm^2 s) when the distance changes from d=3.4 kpc to 7 kpc. In all cases the gamma-ray emission is dominated by \pi^0-decay gamma-rays due to nuclear CRs. Therefore Kepler's SNR represents a very promising target for instruments like H.E.S.S., CANGAROO and GLAST. A non-detection of gamma-rays would mean that the actual source distance is larger than 7 kpc.

Comments: 6 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics, minor typos corrected
Journal: Astron.Astrophys. 452 (2006) 217-221
Categories: astro-ph
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