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Gamma-Ray Emission From Be/X-Ray Binaries

Mariana Orellana, Gustavo E. Romero

Published 2004-07-21Version 1

Be/X-ray binaries are systems formed by a massive Be star and a magnetized neutron star, usually in an eccentric orbit. The Be star has strong equatorial winds occasionally forming a circumstellar disk. When the neutron star intersects the disk the accretion rate dramatically increases and a transient accretion disk can be formed around the compact object. This disk can last longer than a single orbit in the case of major outbursts. If the disk rotates faster than the neutron star, the Cheng-Ruderman mechanism can produce a current of relativistic protons that would impact onto the disk surface, producing gamma-rays from neutral pion decays and initiating electromagnetic cascades inside the disk. In this paper we present calculations of the evolution of the disk parameters during both major and minor X-ray events, and we discuss the generation of gamma-ray emission at different energies within a variety of models that include both screened and unscreened disks.

Comments: 14 pages, to appear in: "The multiwavelength approach to unidentified gamma-ray sources", Eds. K. S. Cheng & G.E. Romero, Kluwer Academic Publisher (Astrophysics and Space Sciences Journal). The present version has two additional figures respect to the version to be published in the journal
Journal: Astrophys.Space Sci. 297 (2005) 167-178
Categories: astro-ph
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