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Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants and Beyond

V. V. Gvaramadze

Published 2002-12-26Version 1

We discuss a concept of off-centred cavity supernova explosion as applied to neutron star/supernova remnant associations and show how this concept could be used to preclude the anti-humane decapitating the Duck (G5.4-1.2 + G5.27-0.9) and dismembering the Swan (Cygnus Loop), as well as to search for a stellar remnant associated with the supernova remnant RCW86.

Comments: 4 pages, to appear in High Energy Processes and Phenomena in Astrophysics, Proceedings of IAU Symposium #214, held 5-10 August 2002 in Suzhou, China. Edited by Xiangdong Li and Virginia Trimble
Journal: High Energy Processes and Phenomena in Astrophysics, IAU Symposium, Vol. 214, 2003, X.D.Li, V.Trimble, and Z.R.Wang, eds. (San Francisco: ASP), 141-144
Categories: astro-ph
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