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HST-STIS Observations of the Cygnus Loop: Spatial Structure of a Non-radiative Shock

Ravi Sankrit, W. P. Blair, J. C. Raymond, K. S. Long

Published 2000-06-13Version 1

We present a spatially-resolved ultraviolet spectrum of a non-radiative shock front in the Cygnus Loop, obtained with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The spectrum covers the wavelength range 1118 - 1716 angstroms, with an effective spectral resolution of ~12 angstroms. The 0.1" spatial resolution of these data provides a huge improvement over earlier ultraviolet spectra, allowing us to study the spatial distribution of high ionization line emission directly behind the shock front. We are able to isolate individual shock features in our spectrum by comparing the STIS spectrum with a WFPC2 H-alpha image of the region. Isolating the brightest shock tangency, we identify lines of NV, CIV, HeII, OV, OIV] and SiIV, and NIV] as well as the hydrogen 2-photon continuum. The NV line peaks about 0.3" behind the CIV and HeII emission and is spatially broader. Also, the observed line ratios of CIV and HeII to NV are higher in our bright shock spectrum than in previous observations of the same filament obtained through much larger apertures, indicating that there must be a more widely distributed component of the NV emission. We calculate shock models and show that the observed separation between the CIV and NV emission zones and observed line intensities constrain the combinations of shock velocity and pre-shock density that are allowed.

Comments: LaTeX uses aaspp4.sty, 17 pages + 8 PostScript figures. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal
Categories: astro-ph
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