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Classical Novae as Super-Eddington Objects

Nir J. Shaviv

Published 2002-07-29Version 1

Several of the inconsistencies plaguing the field of novae are resolved once we consider novae to be steady state super-Eddington objects. In particular, we show that the super-Eddington shell burning state is a natural consequence of the equations of stellar structure, and that the predicted mass loss in the super-Eddington state agrees with nova observations. We also find that the transition phase of novae can be naturally explained as "stagnating" winds.

Comments: 6 pages, 7 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the International Conference on Classical Nova Explosions, Sitges, Spain, 20-24 May 2002
Journal: AIP Conf.Proc. 637 (2003) 259-265
Categories: astro-ph
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