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Modeling of the Super-Eddington Phase for Classical Novae: Five IUE Novae

Mariko Kato, Izumi Hachisu

Published 2006-11-18Version 1

We present a light curve model for the super-Eddington luminosity phase of five classical novae observed with IUE. Optical and UV light curves are calculated based on the optically thick wind theory with a reduced effective opacity for a porous atmosphere. Fitting a model light curve with the UV 1455 \AA light curve, we determine the white dwarf mass and distance to be (1.3 M_sun, 4.4 kpc) for V693 CrA, (1.05 M_sun, 1.8 kpc) for V1974 Cyg, (0.95 M_sun, 4.1 kpc) for V1668 Cyg, (1.0 M_sun, 2.1 kpc) for V351 Pup, and (1.0 M_sun, 4.3 kpc) for OS And.

Comments: 9 pages including 8 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal
Journal: Astrophys.J.657:1004-1012,2007
Categories: astro-ph
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