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The Angular Power Spectrum of Galaxies from Early SDSS Data

SDSS Collaboration, Max Tegmark, Scott Dodelson, Daniel Eisenstein, Vijay Narayanan, Roman Scoccimarro, Ryan Scranton, Michael Strauss, Andrew Connolly, Joshua A. Frieman, James E. Gunn, Lam Hui, Bhuvnesh Jain, David Johnston, Stephen Kent, Jon Loveday, Robert C. Nichol, Liam O'Connell, Ravi K. Sheth, Albert Stebbins, Alexander S. Szalay, Istvan Szapudi, Michael S. Vogeley, Idit Zehavi

Published 2001-07-20, updated 2002-01-19Version 3

We compute the angular power spectrum C_l from 1.5 million galaxies in early SDSS data on large angular scales, l<600. The data set covers about 160 square degrees, with a characteristic depth of order 1 Gpc/h in the faintest (21<r<22) of our four magnitude bins. Cosmological interpretations of these results are presented in a companion paper by Dodelson et al (2001). The data in all four magnitude bins are consistent with a simple flat ``concordance'' model with nonlinear evolution and linear bias factors of order unity. Nonlinear evolution is particularly evident for the brightest galaxies. A series of tests suggest that systematic errors related to seeing, reddening, etc., are negligible, which bodes well for the sixtyfold larger sample that the SDSS is currently collecting. Uncorrelated error bars and well-behaved window functions make our measurements a convenient starting point for cosmological model fitting.

Comments: Replaced to match accepted ApJ version (14 pages). Data, window functions etc available at or from
Journal: Astrophys.J.571:191-205,2002
Categories: astro-ph
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