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A Measurement of the Angular Power Spectrum of the CMB Temperature Anisotropy from the 2003 Flight of Boomerang

W. C. Jones, P Ade, J Bock, J Bond, J Borrill, A Boscaleri, P Cabella, C Contaldi, B Crill, P de Bernardis, G De Gasperis, A de Oliveira-Costa, G De Troia, G Di Stefano, E Hivon, A Jaffe, T Kisner, A Lange, C MacTavish, S Masi, P Mauskopf, A Melchiorri, T Montroy, P Natoli, B Netterfield, E Pascale, F Piacentini, D Pogosyan, G Polenta, S Prunet, S Ricciardi, G Romeo, J Ruhl, P Santini, M Tegmark, M Veneziani, N Vittorio

Published 2005-07-21Version 1

We report on observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) obtained during the January 2003 flight of Boomerang . These results are derived from 195 hours of observation with four 145 GHz Polarization Sensitive Bolometer (PSB) pairs, identical in design to the four 143 GHz Planck HFI polarized pixels. The data include 75 hours of observations distributed over 1.84% of the sky with an additional 120 hours concentrated on the central portion of the field, itself representing 0.22% of the full sky. From these data we derive an estimate of the angular power spectrum of temperature fluctuations of the CMB in 24 bands over the multipole range (50 < l < 1500). A series of features, consistent with those expected from acoustic oscillations in the primordial photon-baryon fluid, are clearly evident in the power spectrum, as is the exponential damping of power on scales smaller than the photon mean free path at the epoch of last scattering (l > 900). As a consistency check, the collaboration has performed two fully independent analyses of the time ordered data, which are found to be in excellent agreement.

Comments: 11 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. High resolution figures and data are available at and
Journal: Astrophys.J.647:823-832,2006
Categories: astro-ph
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