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Radio Continuum Observations towards Optical and Molecular Outflows

J. M. Girart, S. Curiel, L. F. Rodriguez, J. Canto

Published 2002-07-01Version 1

We present multi-frequency VLA continuum observations towards 8 star forming regions with molecular and optical outflows: L1489, HH 68-69, HH 94-95, NGC 2264D, L1681B, L778, MWC 1080 and V645 Cyg. We detect three thermal radio jets, L1489, YLW 16A in L1681B and NGC 2264D VLA 7, associated with molecular and/or HH outflows. The L1489 and NGC 2264D VLA 7 thermal radio jets appear elongated in the direction of the larger scale outflow. We report the first tentative detection of a non-thermal radio jet, L778 VLA 5, associated with a low mass Class I protostar and powering a molecular outflow. For HH68-69, HH 94-95 and the molecular outflow in NGC 2264D we could not identify a candidate of the exciting source of these outflows. The radio emission associated with V645 Cyg is quite extended, ~0.1 pc, and time variable. We detect three radio sources in the MWC 1080 that could be associated with YSOs.

Comments: 17 pages, including 9 figures. Accepted for publication in RevMexAA, Vol. 38 no 2. (October 2002)
Categories: astro-ph
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