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arXiv:2210.08522 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Analysis of CKM-Favored Quasi-Two-Body $B \to D (R\to) K π$ Decays in PQCD Approach

Zhi-Tian Zou, Wen-Sheng Fang, Xin Liu, Ying Li

Published 2022-10-16Version 1

LHCb Collaboration studied the resonant structure of $B_s\to \overline{D}^0K^-\pi^+$ decays using the Dalitz plot analysis technique, based on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $3.0{\rm fb}^{-1}$ of $pp$ collision. The $K^-\pi^+$ components have been analyzed in the amplitude model, where the decay amplitude is modeled to be the resonant contributions with respect to the intermediate resonances $K^*(892)$, $K_0^*(1430)$ and $K_2^*(1430)$. Motivated by the experimental results, we investigate the color-favored quasi-two-body $B \to \overline{D}^0K\pi$ decays in the framework of the perturbative QCD (PQCD) approach. We calculate the the branching fractions by introducing the appropriate wave functions of $K\pi$ pair. Our results are in agreement well the available data, and others can be tested in LHCb and Belle-II experiments. Using the narrow-width-approximation, we also extract the branching fractions of the corresponding two-body $B\to \overline D R$ decays, which agree to the previous theoretical calculations and the experimental data within the errors. There are no $CP$ asymmetries in these decays in the standard model, because these decays are all governed by only the tree operators.

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