arXiv:2208.02396 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Possibility of experimental study on nonleptonic $B_{c}^{\ast}$ weak decays
Yueling Yang, Liting Wang, Jinshu Huang, Qin Chang, Junfeng Sun
Published 2022-08-04Version 1
The ground vector $B_{c}^{\ast}$ meson has not yet been experimentally discovered until now. Besides the dominant electromagnetic decays, nonleptonic weak decays provide another choice to search for the mysterious $B_{c}^{\ast}$ mesons. Inspired by the potential prospects of $B_{c}^{\ast}$ meson in the future high-luminosity colliders, nonleptonic $B_{c}^{\ast}$ weak decays induced by bottom and charm quark decays are studied within SM by using naive factorization approach. It is found that for $B_{c}^{\ast}$ ${\to}$ $B_{s,d}{\pi}$, $B_{s,d}^{\ast}{\pi}$, $B_{s,d}{\rho}$, $B_{s}K$, $B_{s}^{\ast}K$, $B_{s}K^{\ast}$, ${\eta}_{c}(1S,2S){\pi}$, ${\eta}_{c}(1S,2S){\rho}$ and ${\psi}(1S,2S){\pi}$ decays, a few hundred and even thousand of events might be observable at CEPC, FCC-ee and LHCb@HL-LHC experiments.