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arXiv:2204.06694 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Feasibility of the experimental study of $D_{s}^{\ast}$ ${\to}$ $φπ$ decay

Yueling Yang, Kang Li, Zhenglin Li, Jinshu Huang, Junfeng Sun

Published 2022-04-14Version 1

The current knowledge on the $D_{s}^{\ast}$ meson are very limited. Besides the dominant electromagnetic decays, the $D_{s}^{\ast}$ weak decays are legal and offer the valuable opportunities to explore the wanted $D_{s}^{\ast}$ meson. In this paper, the $D_{s}^{\ast}$ ${\to}$ ${\phi}{\pi}$ decay was studied with the PQCD approach. It is found that the branching ratio ${\cal B}(D_{s}^{\ast}{\to}{\phi}{\pi})$ ${\sim}$ ${\cal O}(10^{-7})$, which corresponds to several thousands of events at the $e^{+}e^{-}$ collider experiments including STCF, SuperKEKB, CEPC and FCC-ee, and several millions of events at the hadron collider experiments, such as LHCb@HL-LHC. It is feasible to experimentally study the $D_{s}^{\ast}$ ${\to}$ ${\phi}{\pi}$ weak decay in the future.

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