arXiv:2009.05911 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Influence of triaxial deformation on wobbling motion in even-even nuclei
Bin Qi, Hui Zhang, Shou Yu Wang, Qi Bo Chen
Published 2020-09-13Version 1
The influence of triaxial deformation $\gamma$ on the purely collective form of wobbling motion in even-even nuclei are discussed based on the triaxial rotor model. It is found that the harmonic approximation is realized well when $\gamma=30^{\circ}$ for the properties of energy spectra and electric quadrupole transition probabilities, while this approximation gets bad when $\gamma$ deviates from $30^{\circ}$. A recent data from Coulomb excitation experiment, namely $3_1^+$ and $2_2^+$ for the $^{110}$Ru are studied and might be suggested as the bandhead of the wobbling bands. In addition, two types of angular momentum geometries for wobbling motion, stemming from different $\gamma$ values, are exhibited by azimuthal plots.