Regularity and Chaos in low-lying 2+ states of even-even nuclei
A. Y. Abul--Magd, H. L. Harney, M. H. Simbel, H. A. Weidenmueller
Published 2003-04-09Version 1
Using all the available empirical information, we analyse the spacing distributions of low-lying 2+ levels in even-even nuclei by comparing them with a theoretical distribution characterized by a single parameter (the chaoticity parameter f). We use the method of Bayesian inference. We show that the necessary unfolding procedure generally leads to an overestimate of f. We find that f varies strongly with the ratio of the excitation energies of the first 4+ and 2+ levels and assumes particularly small values in nuclei that have one of the dynamical symmetries of the Interacting Boson Model.
Comments: 9 pages
Journal: Symmetries in Nuclear Structure, A. Vitturi and R. Casten, editors. World Scientific, Singapore (2004) p. 398.
Categories: nucl-th
Keywords: even-even nuclei, regularity, assumes particularly small values, interacting boson model, necessary unfolding procedure
Tags: journal article
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