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arXiv:1704.00820 [cs.IT]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Principal Inertia Components and Applications

Flavio P. Calmon, Ali Makhdoumi, Muriel Médard, Mayank Varia, Mark Christiansen, Ken R. Duffy

Published 2017-04-03Version 1

We explore properties and applications of the Principal Inertia Components (PICs) between two discrete random variables $X$ and $Y$. The PICs lie in the intersection of information and estimation theory, and provide a fine-grained decomposition of the dependence between $X$ and $Y$. Moreover, the PICs describe which functions of $X$ can or cannot be reliably inferred (in terms of MMSE) given an observation of $Y$. We demonstrate that the PICs play an important role in information theory, and they can be used to characterize information-theoretic limits of certain estimation problems. In privacy settings, we prove that the PICs are related to fundamental limits of perfect privacy.

Comments: Overlaps with arXiv:1405.1472 and arXiv:1310.1512
Categories: cs.IT, math.IT
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