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arXiv:1406.0643 [cond-mat.str-el]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Switching of the magnetic order in CeRhIn$_{5-x}$Sn$_{x}$ in the vicinity of its quantum critical point

S. Raymond, J. Buhot, E. Ressouche, F. Bourdarot, G. Knebel, G. Lapertot

Published 2014-06-03Version 1

We report neutron diffraction experiments performed in the tetragonal antiferromagnetic heavy fermion system CeRhIn$_{5-x}$Sn$_{x}$ in its ($x$, $T$) phase diagram up to the vicinity of the critical concentration $x_c$ $\approx$ 0.40, where long range magnetic order is suppressed. The propagation vector of the magnetic structure is found to be $\bf{k_{IC}}$=(1/2, 1/2, $k_l$) with $k_l$ increasing from $k_l$=0.298 to $k_l$=0.410 when $x$ increases from $x$=0 to $x$=0.26. Surprisingly, for $x$=0.30, the order has changed drastically and a commensurate antiferromagnetism with $\bf{k_{C}}$=(1/2, 1/2, 0) is found. This concentration is located in the proximity of the quantum critical point where superconductivity is expected.

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