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Further analysis of the quantum critical point of Ce$_{1-x}$La$_{x}$Ru$_{2}$Si$_{2}$

S. Raymond, W. Knafo, J. Flouquet, P. Lejay

Published 2006-11-19Version 1

New data on the spin dynamics and the magnetic order of Ce$_{1-x}$La$_{x}$Ru$_{2}$Si$_{2}$ are presented. The importance of the Kondo effect at the quantum critical point of this system is emphasized from the behaviour of the relaxation rate at high temperature and from the variation of the ordered moment with respect to the one of the N\'eel temperature for various $x$.

Comments: Contribution for the Festschrift on the occasion of Hilbert von Loehneysen 60 th birthday. To be published as a special issue in the Journal of Low Temperature Physics
Journal: Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 147 (2007) 215
Categories: cond-mat.str-el
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