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arXiv:1403.7414 [math.AP]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Groundstates of nonlinear Choquard equations: Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev critical exponent

Vitaly Moroz, Jean Van Schaftingen

Published 2014-03-28Version 1

We consider nonlinear Choquard equation $$ - \Delta u + V u = \bigl(I_\alpha \ast |u|^{\frac{\alpha}{N}+1}\bigr) |u|^{\frac{\alpha}{N}-1} u\quad\text{in (\mathbb{R}^N)},$$ where $N \ge 3$, $V \in L^\infty (\mathbb{R}^N)$ is an external potential and $I_\alpha (x)$ is the Riesz potential of order $\alpha \in (0, N)$. The power $\frac{\alpha}{N}+1$ in the nonlocal part of the equation is critical with respect to the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality. As a consequence, in the associated minimization problem a loss of compactness may occur. We prove that if $\liminf_{|x| \to \infty} \bigl(1 - V (x)\bigr)|x|^2 > \frac{N^2 (N - 2)}{4 (N + 1)}$ then the equation has a nontrivial solution. We also discuss some necessary conditions for the existence of a solution. Our considerations are based on a concentration compactness argument and a nonlocal version of Brezis-Lieb lemma.

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