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arXiv:1301.6973 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Dispersive representation of the pion vector form factor in $τ\toππν_τ$ decays

D. Gómez Dumm, P. Roig

Published 2013-01-29, updated 2013-08-06Version 2

We propose a dispersive representation of the charged pion vector form factor that is consistent with chiral symmetry and fulfills the constraints imposed by analyticity and unitarity. Unknown parameters are fitted to the very precise data on $\tau^-\to\pi^-\pi^0\nu_\tau$ decays obtained by Belle, leading to a good description of the corresponding spectral function up to a $\pi\pi$ squared invariant mass $s\simeq 1.5$ GeV$^2$. We discuss the effect of isospin corrections, and obtain the values of low energy observables. For larger values of $s$, this representation is complemented with a phenomenological description to allow its implementation in the new TAUOLA hadronic currents.

Comments: 22 pages, 4 figures. Determination of rho(770) pole parameters substantially improved using a new method, based on rational approximants. Other results unchanged. Version to be published in EPJC
Journal: Eur. Phys. J. C (2013) 73: 2528
Categories: hep-ph, hep-ex, hep-lat
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