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Chiral Symmetry and the Parity-Violating $NNπ$ Yukawa Coupling

Shi-Lin Zhu, S. J. Puglia, B. R. Holstein, M. J. Ramsey-Musolf

Published 2000-05-28Version 1

We construct the complete SU(2) parity-violating (PV) $\pi, N, \Delta$ interaction Lagrangian with one derivative, and calculate the chiral corrections to the PV Yukawa $NN\pi$ coupling constant $h_\pi$ through ${\cal O}(1/\Lambda_\chi^3)$ in the leading order of heavy baryon expansion. We discuss the relationship between the renormalized $\hpi$, the measured value of $\hpi$, and the corresponding quantity calculated microscopically from the Standard Model four-quark PV interaction.

Comments: RevTex, 26 pages + 5 PS figures
Journal: Phys.Rev. D63 (2001) 033006
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