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arXiv:1212.0953 [gr-qc]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Origin of probabilities and their application to the multiverse

Andreas Albrecht, Daniel Phillips

Published 2012-12-05, updated 2014-11-19Version 3

We argue using simple models that all successful practical uses of probabilities originate in quantum fluctuations in the microscopic physical world around us, often propagated to macroscopic scales. Thus we claim there is no physically verified fully classical theory of probability. We comment on the general implications of this view, and specifically question the application of classical probability theory to cosmology in cases where key questions are known to have no quantum answer. We argue that the ideas developed here may offer a way out of the notorious measure problems of eternal inflation.

Comments: 7 pages including one table. V3: Final version accepted for publication in PRD. Small changes throughout to improve clarity. Section V is expanded and improved. No change to the conclusions or technical points
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