arXiv:1204.4364 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
An isosinglet W' at the LHC: updated bounds from direct searches
Published 2012-04-19Version 1
We study the implications of the latest LHC searches for resonances in the di-jet and di-boson final states and for quark compositeness in the di-jet angular distributions on an iso-singlet W' with unit hypercharge. Predictions presented in previous papers are collected and updated to take into account all the present bounds from direct searches. It turns out that bounds on the coupling to quarks coming from the LHC measurements of di-jet angular distributions are starting to be competitive with the ones coming from direct searches in the di-jet invariant mass spectrum. Moreover, the stringent bounds on the mixing angle coming from the new searches in the $WZ\to l^{+}l^{-}l\nu$ final state, imply, in the case of discovery, the necessity to go to the LHC with $\sqrt{s}=14$ TeV to be able to probe interesting masses and couplings relevant for the W' decay into the W\gamma\ final state, particularly relevant to get more insight on the nature of the new vector.