Updated bounds on CP asymmetries in $B^0 \to η' K_S$ and $B^0 \to π^0 K_S$
Michael Gronau, Jonathan L. Rosner, Jure Zupan
Published 2006-08-07, updated 2006-10-27Version 4
New rate measurements of $B^0$ decays into $\pi^0\pi^0, \pi^0\eta, \pi^0\eta', \eta\eta, \eta\eta', \eta'\eta'$ and $K^+ K^-$ are used in conjunction with flavor SU(3) to constrain the coefficients $S$ and $C$ of $\sin\Delta mt$ and $\cos\Delta mt$ in the time-dependent CP asymmetries of $B^0 \to \eta' K_S$ and $B^0 \to \pi^0 K_S$. Experimental values of $S_{\eta' K}$ are now seen to be closer to the Standard Model expectations, fully consistent with the new improved bounds.
Comments: 10 pages, 3 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. D. Discussion and references expanded; data updated
Journal: Phys.Rev.D74:093003,2006
Keywords: updated bounds, time-dependent cp asymmetries, standard model expectations, rate measurements, experimental values
Tags: journal article
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