arXiv:1203.4520 [math.GT]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Low dimensional projective groups
Published 2012-03-20, updated 2014-02-26Version 5
We initiate the study of holomorphically convex groups: groups that can be realized as fundamental groups of smooth complex projective varieties with holomorphically convex universal covers. If $G$ is a holomorphically convex group of cohomological dimension two, we show that $G$ is isomorphic to the fundamental group of a compact Riemann surface. As a consequence, we show that if a linear group $G$ has (rational) cohomological dimension two and is the fundamental group of a smooth complex projective variety, then $G$ is a (virtual) surface group.
Comments: This paper is withdrawn due to a crucial gap in the proof of Theorem 4.7. This step in the proof goes through only in the presence of an extra cohomology vanishing condition
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