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arXiv:1202.1828 [cond-mat.mes-hall]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Demonstration of Entanglement of Electrostatically Coupled Singlet-Triplet Qubits

Michael D. Shulman, Oliver E. Dial, Shannon P. Harvey, Hendrik Bluhm, Vladimir Umansky, Amir Yacoby

Published 2012-02-08Version 1

Quantum computers have the potential to solve certain interesting problems significantly faster than classical computers. To exploit the power of a quantum computation it is necessary to perform inter-qubit operations and generate entangled states. Spin qubits are a promising candidate for implementing a quantum processor due to their potential for scalability and miniaturization. However, their weak interactions with the environment, which leads to their long coherence times, makes inter-qubit operations challenging. We perform a controlled two-qubit operation between singlet-triplet qubits using a dynamically decoupled sequence that maintains the two-qubit coupling while decoupling each qubit from its fluctuating environment. Using state tomography we measure the full density matrix of the system and determine the concurrence and the fidelity of the generated state, providing proof of entanglement.

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