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arXiv:1106.4562 [astro-ph.CO]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in 2D II: Redshift-space halo clustering in N-body simulations

Takahiro Nishimichi, Atsushi Taruya

Published 2011-06-22Version 1

We measure the halo power spectrum in redshift space from cosmological N-body simulations, and test the analytical models of redshift distortions particularly focusing on the scales of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs). Remarkably, the measured halo power spectrum in redshift space exhibits a large-scale enhancement in amplitude relative to the real-space clustering, and the effect becomes significant for the massive or highly biased halo samples. These findings cannot be simply explained by the so-called streaming model frequently used in the literature. By contrast, a physically-motivated perturbation theory model developed in the previous paper reproduces the halo power spectrum very well, and the model combining a simple linear scale-dependent bias can accurately characterize the clustering anisotropies of halos in two dimensions, i.e., line-of-sight and its perpendicular directions. The results highlight the significance of non-linear coupling between density and velocity fields associated with two competing effects of redshift distortions, i.e., Kaiser and Finger-of-God effects, and a proper account of this effect would be important in accurately characterizing the BAOs in two dimensions.

Comments: 15 pages, 6 figures
Journal: Physical Review D vol. 84 (2011) Issue 4 id. 043526
Categories: astro-ph.CO
Subjects: 98.80.-k
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