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arXiv:1508.01170 [astro-ph.CO]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Beating non-linearities: improving the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations with the linear point

Stefano Anselmi, Glenn D. Starkman, Ravi K. Sheth

Published 2015-08-05Version 1

We propose a new way of looking at the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in the Large Scale Structure clustering correlation function. We identify a scale s_LP that has two fundamental features: its position is insensitive to non-linear gravity, redshift space distortions, and scale-dependent bias at the 0.5% level; it is geometrical, i.e. independent of the power spectrum of the primordial density fluctuation parameters. These two properties together make s_LP, called the "linear point", an excellent cosmological standard ruler. The linear point is also appealing because it is easily identified irrespectively of how non-linearities distort the correlation function. Finally, the correlation function amplitude at s_LP is similarly insensitive to non-linear corrections to within a few percent. Hence, exploiting the particular Baryon features in the correlation function, we propose three new estimators for growth measurements. A preliminary analysis of s_LP in current data is encouraging.

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