arXiv:1004.5198 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Neutron Stars with Bose-Einstein Condensation of Antikaons as MIT Bags
C. Y. Ryu, C. H. Hyun, S. W. Hong
Published 2010-04-29Version 1
We investigate the properties of an antikaon in medium, regarding itas a MIT bag. We first construct the MIT bag model for a kaon with$\sigma^*$ and $\phi$ in order to describe the interaction of$s$-quarks in hyperonic matter in the framework of the modifiedquark-meson coupling model. The coupling constant $g'^{B_K}_\sigma$in the density-dependent bag constant $B(\sigma)$ is treated as afree parameter to reproduce the optical potential of a kaon in asymmetric matter and all other couplings are determined by usingSU(6) symmetry and the quark counting rule. With various values ofthe kaon potential, we calculate the effective mass of a kaon inmedium to compare it with that of a point-like kaon. We thencalculate the population of octet baryons, leptons and $K^-$ and theequation of state for neutron star matter. The results show thatkaon condensation in hyperonic matter is sensitive to the $s$-quarkinteraction and also to the way of treating the kaon. The mass andthe radius of a neutron star are obtained by solving theTolmann-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation.